Home Page

Welcome to our website. This site is being developed to give a flavour and insight into our passion for Family History. Please use the links on the left or at the top of each page to find out about our ancestors. 

There is a link on the left hand side of all our pages that link to every family back to our Great grandparents. The links at the top of each page connect to content some of which is repeated in the family pages..

The pedigree charts below show our ancestry up to our Great Grandparents.

These charts show the names of all our ancestor family names up to and including our Great Grandparents. More details about a particular family can be found by using the links on the left hand side of each page.

The top pedigree is for Phillip Walton and the bottom one for Kathleen Walton nee Mayer.

NOTE: Our original website - www.waltons.plus.com is no longer updated -  use www.waltonsfamilyhistory.co.uk 

Our complete tree:    

We use Family Historian for recording our family history information and have accumulated over 20,000 names.
The best way to view all the names on our tree is use our family historian information, use this link Family Historian
Alternatively this link leads directly to the index of all names on our tree (this excludes living people and details are limited) - All the names on our tree
We also use Tribalpages to show our tree online - our tribal pages website all these trees were updated in February 2020.


Towards the end of 2014 we decided to produce a number of small books or booklets. Each one will detail a part of our research. The books will be availble via the "Smashwords" website or as a PDF file - so far we have - Book One - The WaltonsBook Two - The Hollands. Book Three - The Mayers. Book Five - The Yates.  Book Six - The Knappers. Supplement to Book Six  Book Seven - The Tripps. Book Eight - The Waltons Version 2
Not connected to our family Phil produced - The Meanocks - Cotton, Farming and Fustian a family with links to North Manchester and Congleton. 
For any more details or just to make contact please email us - our address is  waltonsfamilyhistory@gmail.com

phil pedikath pedigree

Pedegree trees are easy to understand - each person will normally have two parents each so four family names. In our case this is  Walton and Yates for Phil and Mayer and Corbishley for Kath.

Then there are two additional names for Grandparents, Holland and Knapper for Phil and Doorbar and Brown for Kath.

When we get to Great Grandparents there would be four additional names. For Phil this is Tripp, Bowers, Goodwin and Bethel. However for Kath it doesn't work - in the Doorbar and Corbishley families there were cousin marriages and the family names are the same for both parents. Also we have not included Baddeley at this stage due to lack of information - so for Kath there is just one additional name - Nixon.

For more information about the names on these two pedegree trees click on the name on the left of the page.

The latest additions to our tree:

Here we have the lastest additions to our family - last updated in2016.


The pictures above were taken at Christmas time 2013 - Molly in the centre with new brother William on her left and big brother Jacob with cousin Isaac on her right. Poppy arrived in 2014 and be seen below in a photo from July 2016 and a month later at a birthday party with Isaac, William and Molly.
